úterý 18. února 2014

Basing FOW models

Yesterday and the day before yesterday I tried to do the bases for bikes for DAK and then paint. I took the advice from Vitek - Ogri doupe and tried to do the bases from mixed filler . Several advices.
- Plastic base must be "cut" because otherwise the mixed filler has not adhered to properly.
- Mixed filler is good lightly moistened (not in the container it starts to stink horribly :-))), holds much better then.
- Mixed filler is too wet, it becomes a useless mud
- Mixed filler dries several hours. Ideally let it dry overnight.
- If you want holes, rocks, tracks etc in bases, it must be made in advance before the mixed filler turn solid.
Pictures taken from the beginning to the final version. It is easy, just take a lot of time.

I used this one, but almost all this product are the same.

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