Just few photos taken during battle.
I have HQ Jumbo, two units of shermans (Jumbo, 2 Easy8, 2 late Shermans), 5 Stuarts, 2 mortars Halftrack, small recon unit and M10 tankhunters.
My friend has german Stug abt from Bridge by Bridge. HQ Stug, 3 Stugs, 3 Stuhs, Konig Tiger, full platoon of Fallschirmjagers with panzerfausts, small SS recon, 2 RT Luftwaffe 88 guns. And ! Sporadic Luftwaffe ! (gamebreaker)
Just few pictures and hints, report will be later. Working theory so far, is that this battle take place in conquest of Chicago in late 1945. German army consisted from genemodified Kampfgorrilen, Nazi zombie and Luftwunderwaffen Haunebu (evil copy of UFO found by SS troops in 1936 in Schwartzwald forrest driven by Vrill energy). Or probably (realistic sollution) i was very historically bombed to oblivion by USAAF as usual.
I do not belive in Luftwaffe in 1945 on western front :-) So this is Haunebu UFO Wunderwaffe.
Now, seriously, in first turn LW bombers kills 4 from 5 Shermans in one unit, last run away ( i cant blame him). On turn 3, they come again and bail out 4 from 5 Shermans in second unit. They run away :-))
On turn 3, Stuarts come from reserve and take 10 shots on RT LW 88 guns. 8 hits with 5+ save (they were shooting on something turn before this happend). Non single of them die. Next turn. 25 shots from mg. 12 hits.One, one! 88 was destroyed. One.
So, Nazi zombies and genemodified Kampfgorrilen. They probably wasnt shooting on heads to kill zombie.
Next turn german take objective and i drop the game. I have 3 Stuarts and command Jumbo and no chance to do something. But the game was really funny :)
Germany flugzeuge commited to battle of Chicago
Nazi foot troops commited to battle of Chicago
And some intel photos taken during the battle